Hannah Sophie Dunkelberg

Index, Image



L‘Esprit Nouveau

What you see is what you get

Hannah Sophie Dunkelberg’s artwork embodies a certain what ifness, taking the question as a stance. Like what if a painting were a sculpture? And vice versa? Or what if vaguely modernist and digital forms met in a mash-up of styles that knocked both from their pedestals? More tactically, Dunkelberg’s material process seems to be guided by what ifs, particularly in the idiosyncratic sequence of steps she developed to create her wall reliefs. Experimenting with the possibility of a mechanically-produced, inversion of her hand-drawn gesture, Dunkelberg designed a method that involves drawing, wood carving, industrial vacuum forming, plastic molding and car lacquering.
A sense of potentiality remains as palpable in the works as traces of their industriousness. Dunkelberg is hands-on in each step of her process and her work’s initial slickness reveals vestiges of production in bits of glue, impressions from machines or subtle screw marks.
While the Berlin-based and Bonn-born artist can be compellingly situated in a contemporary German context – say with regards to her former professor Manfred Pernice’s vivisections of the formal language of urban and domestic constructions or Jana Euler’s wry jabs at gendered German painting culture – it’s also worth reaching further afield to the Finish Fetish of 1960s Los Angeles to think through Dunkelberg’s seductive sheen. Artists associated with the movement adopted industrial fabrication processes and materials like plastic and enamel to create objects that brushed away boundaries between the handcrafted and machine-made, 2D and 3D and painting and sculpture. Craig Kauffman’s use of vacuum forming technology to make his plastic reliefs and Billy Al Bengston’s adoption of the auto body workshop spray gun as a brush lend Dunkelberg’s material experimentation a West Coast origin story. But she has no hang-up on an immaculate surface and is not after the pristine, taking such a fetish instead as something to poke holes in by (almost) literally doing just that. Where the aforementioned Macho men sought to do away with gesture, Dunkelberg stages a story of its persistence as the line derived from her freehand sketches rises to the surface of her reliefs, like lines of braille or covered tunnels grooved by ants. The scribbles and squiggles themselves occasionally resemble plants or architecture, others verge on decorative patterns or strange hieroglyphics rendered with the quality of line of a finger swiping a screen.
Attuned to the art historical pendulum between gesture and its promise of immediacy on the one hand and the desire for erasure of authorship and its hang-ups on the other, Dunkelberg also taps into a parallel tension between artificiality and authenticity. Such a dynamic is omnipresent in Potsdam, a suburb that holds tightly to its claim to fame as the former summer home of Frederick the Great, but is looser with its mashup of ornate architectural styles from throughout the ages. Against that parade of fake facades, her exhibition L’Esprit Nouveau, at the Kunstraum Potsdam, takes stock of such monumental forms and asks if art is up to the task of throwing a wrench in the machine. That is – drawing attention to the physical forms that surround us (architecture, furniture, the barrage of brands and commodities), the cultural baggage they carry and a collective susceptibility to take this all as a given. Dunkelberg mimics recognisable forms – often vaguely Bourgeois domestic furnishings – and through a brilliant play with material, simultaneously reduces these forms to a suave superficiality and sets in motion a subtle process of transformation. In a series of ovens, for instance, she recreates the essential accessory of a carefully restored, early 20th century Altbau and covers it with a synthetic fiber that conjures hazy associations: is this what Furbys were made of? Or those little dollhouse cat people? In any case, it’s delightfully weird. It’s like it’s all connotation, all fuzzy memory, all surface. Like there is no there, there.
Constructed from interlocking metal rings that look like a cross between handcuffs and a botched sketch of something ornate, a series of lamp sculptures make a similar gesture. Despite the way in which they dangle in space, their physical heft and craggy lines, there is an illusion of flatness about these jagged chandeliers. And as such, a sense in which they are all about surface: shiny, luminous. These lamps also bear a striking resemblance to Giacometti’s lamps that hang at the Kronenhalle bar in Zurich; and it’s perhaps no surprise that driven by her own material experimentation, Dunkelberg inadvertently crafted something in the lineage of this master of sculpture as a process of reduction. But while distilling or paring down is also at the core of Dunkelberg’s practice, it’s in a wholly different vein. It’s cheekier, for one. And willing to ask, what if, what you see is what you get?
— Camila McHugh

born in Bonn, lives and works in Berlin, Germany.

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Hannah Sophie Dunkelberg

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Current Exhibitions

Upcoming Exhibitions

Ewa Partum, Vanessa Safavi, Vanessa Disler, Hannah Sophie Dunkelberg

18.05.24 – 22.06.24

Group Exhibition

Gunia Nowik Gallery

Warsaw (PL)

Exhibitions Archive

Arco Madrid 2024

06.03.24 – 10.03.24

Group Exhibition

Mehdi Chouakri

Madrid (ESP)

Section: Interplay

22.02.24 – 25.02.24

Solo Exhibition

curated by Elise Lammer

Stage Bregenz (AUT)

Dammi i Colore

03.11.23 – 02.12.23

Group Exhibition

Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes

Lisboa (PT)

Roman Gysin, Mitchell Anderson, Hannah Sophie Dunkelberg

28.10.23 – 08.12.23

Group Exhibition

Kali Gallery, Lucerne (CH)


20.09.23 – 24.09.23

Group Exhibition

Kunsthalle Zürich

Zürich (CH)

Venus Und Sonne Im Zehnten Haus

09.09.23 – 04.11.23

Group Exhibition

Mehdi Chouakri

Wilhelm Hallen, Berlin (DE)

Hotel Warszawa Art Fair

08.09.23 – 10.09.23

Group Exhibition

Gunia Nowik Gallery

Hotel Warszawa (PL)


05.08.23 – 09.09.23

Solo Exhibition

Das Gericht

Frankfurt a.M. (DE)

Long Shadows Forecast Good Weather

24.06.23 – 27.08.23

Solo Exhibition

Bad Posture

Arche du Grand-Pont

Lausanne (CH)

Art Busan

12.05.23 – 15.02.23

Group Exhibition

Busan (KR)

Pale Pleasures

06.05.23 – 17.06.23

Solo Exhibition

Gunia Nowik Gallery

Warsawa (PL)


14.04.23 – 16.04.23

Group Exhibition

Milano (IT)

Art Düsseldorf

30.03.23 – 02.04.23

Group Exhibition

Böhler Areal

Düsseldorf (DE)

Art Cologne

16.11.22 – 20.11.22

Solo Exhibition


Cologne, DE

Paris+ par Art Basel, Émergentes

20.10.22 – 23.10.22

Solo Exhibition

Grand Palais Éphémère

Paris, F

New Mediations

01.10.22 – 22.01.23

Group Exhibition

Modem, Museum for Modern and Contemporary Arts

Debrecen, HU

Müde Pferde

09.09.22 – 15.10.22

Solo Exhibition


Berlin, DE

Ex and Inter

01.09.22 – 11.09.22

Group Exhibition

Studio Jochem Hendricks, Hohenstaufenstrasse 8

Frankfurt a. M., DE

Und in welchem Namen tun Sie es?

01.07.22 – 05.08.22

Group Exhibition

Kunstverein Kärnten

Klagenfurt (AT)

Group Exhibition

Gunia Nowik Gallery

Warsaw (PL)

From "Abstraction" to Abstraction

14.05.22 – 14.07.22

Group Exhibition

Fondacja Stefana Gierowskiego

Warsaw (PL)

Art Busan

13.05.22 – 15.05.22

Group Exhibition

Busan, (KOR)

Art Brussels

28.04.22 – 01.05.22

Group Exhibition

Brussels (BE)


02.01.22 – 16.01.22

Solo Exhibition


Paris (F)

The Owls Are Not What They Seem.

04.11.21 – 18.12.21

Group Exhibition


Stockholm (SE)

Liste Art Fair Basel

20.09.21 – 26.09.21

Solo Exhibition

Efremidis Gallery

Basel (CH)

L'Esprit Nouveau

11.09.21 – 10.10.21

Solo Exhibition

Kunstraum Potsdam

Potsdam (DE)

Berlin Masters Finals

05.09.21 – 19.09.21

Group Exhibition


Berlin (DE)


04.09.21 – 16.09.21

Group Exhibition

Galerie Mark Müller

Zürich (CH)

13.08.21 – 27.08.21

Solo Exhibition

Office Impart


Tipping Point

02.07.21 – 15.07.21

Group Exhibition

Arndtstraße 15

Frankfurt a.M. (DE)

This Must Be The Place

20.06.21 – 20.09.21

Group Exhibition

Villa Schöningen, Skulpturengarten

Potsdam (DE)

Shapes of Time

16.03.21 – 12.08.21

Group Exhibition

Galerie Wilma Tolksdorf

Frankfurt a.M. (DE)

From Almora to Amrum

06.03.21 – 03.04.21

Group Exhibition


Berlin (DE)

Handpicked Masterpieces

12.11.20 – 09.01.21

Group Exhibition

Collectors Room V&GS Art

Hamburg (DE)

Studio Berlin


Group Exhibition

Berghain X Boros Foundation

Berghain Berlin (DE)

Light & Dark

05.09.20 – 14.09.20

Group Exhibition

Monom X Sensus

Funkhaus Berlin (DE)

Layers & Tracks

03.09.20 – 03.10.20

Group Exhibition

Galerie Ron Mandos

Amsterdam (NL)

KvS Auction no. 3

25.06.20 – 08.07.20

Group Exhibition

Julia Stoschek Collection

Berlin (DE)

Ein gern gesehener Gast

13.06.20 – 11.07.20

Group Exhibition

Aplus X Office Impart

Aplus Galerie Berlin (DE)

E.X.P.O. (sub sole)

08.02.20 – 08.05.20

Solo Exhibition

Efremidis Gallery ERP

Berlin (DE)

Group Exhibition

MdBK Museum of Fine Arts



08.12.19 – 26.01.20

Group Exhibition

Kunstverein Arnsberg

Arnsberg (DE)

Conny Maier, Hannah Sophie Dunkelberg, Pola Sieverding

07.12.19 – 07.01.20

Group Exhibition

Office Impart

Berlin (DE)

salondergegenwart 2019

08.11.19 – 10.11.19

Group Exhibition


Hamburg (DE)

I am Ellen

03.05.19 – 08.06.19

Group Exhibition

After the Butcher x Classe Manfred Pernice

Berlin (DE)

Danke Doro

27.04.19 – 29.05.19

Solo Exhibition

Dorothea Konwiarz Stiftung

Berlin (DE)

Law of the instrument

02.03.19 – 30.03.19

Group Exhibition

Kunstverein am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz

Berlin (DE)

Set in scene

17.11.18 – 20.01.19

Group Exhibition

Haus am Lützowplatz Studio Galerie

Berlin (DE)

The Others Art Fair

01.11.18 – 04.11.18

Group Exhibition

Office Impart

Turin (IT)

Young Talents

25.10.18 – 22.02.19

Group Exhibition


Walldorf (DE)

A Walk In The Park, A Step In The Dark

07.09.18 – 15.09.18

Group Exhibition

Raum LinksRechts

Hamburg (DE)

Group Exhibition


Berlin (DE)

Art Biesenthal

18.08.18 – 29.09.18

Group Exhibition


Biesenthal (DE)

Die Grosse NRW Düsseldorf

28.01.18 – 28.02.18

Group Exhibition

Museum Kunstpalast

Dusseldorf (DE)

Seen by 8

28.04.17 – 02.07.17

Group Exhibition

Museum of Photography Helmut Newton Foundation

Berlin (DE)28

Die Grosse NRW Düsseldorf

19.02.17 – 12.03.17

Group Exhibition

Museum Kunstpalast

Dusseldorf (DE)

Slalom – Sculpture in Photography

28.09.16 – 16.10.16

Group Exhibition

Binyamin Gallery

Tel Aviv (IL)

The Simple Life

22.09.16 – 24.09.16

Group Exhibition

HfBK Hugs

Spielbudenplatz Hamburg (DE)

Be water my friend

23.04.16 – 30.04.16

Group Exhibition

HfBK Hugs X KHM Cologne

Hamburg (DE)

Long Shadows Forecast Good Weather 2023 Bad Posture, Lausanne

Pale Pleasures 2023 Gunia Nowik Gallery, Warsaw

Müde Pferde 2022 Efremidis Gallery, Berlin

Altweiberknoten I,II 2022 Gunia Nowik Gallery, Warszawa

SUN CITY 2021 Liste Art Fair Basel

Der gedeckte Tisch 2021 Efremidis Gallery Berlin

L' Esprit Nouveau 2021 Kunstraum Potsdam

Beletage a-d 2021 Kunstraum Potsdam

BMW Art Cars, Remake 2021 Liste Art Fair Basel

L'Esprit Nouveau 1-4 2021 Kunstraum Potsdam

Silly Symphonies 2019–2020 MdBK Museum of Fine Arts Leipzig

Leaves leaving 2018–2021

La Laitière 2021 This Must Be The Place, Sculpture Garden, Villa Schöningen

Ein gern gesehener Gast 2020

Rumors 2019-2021

E.X.P.O. (sub sole) 2020 Efremidis Gallery (erp)

Placeholder 4 2019–2020

RSVP, regrets only 2019–2020

Reliefs 2019

Alibis 2019 Udk Berlin Meisterschülerabschluss

TT.MM.JJJJ 2019 After The Butcher Berlin